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Be Still and Know that I am God - Psalms 46:10

Last year about this time, my world was really changing. I was undergoing my very first chemotherapy treatment. I had made some amazing new friends via a Bible Study. I had reconnected with Christ. I had found Christ's compassion and promise in my deepest fear and weakest moment. The Lord had promised me to rescue me through the fire. Literally, that was a vision I had right before my first chemo transfusion. I was in the middle of praying with a Chaplain and I saw myself kneeling before the cross. I saw the Lord transform into a healed God in all white and in all his glory. He got off the cross, looked at me and without saying a word, motioned for me to follow him. Suddenly we were surrounded by a forest on fire, but I was calm, I wasn't scared, because I was following Jesus. He guided me safely through the fire. This "hope" this "calm" that he gave me that day, was all the strength I needed to endure five more rounds of grueling chemotherapy. He saved me that day.

In the year that has past, I have had many ups and downs. I have allowed the enemy to eat away at that peace and calm, by having fear when  I had a pain or even recently when I had a spike in my CA-125 levels. But through prayer and focus on God, I once again live in peace and calm. This week has been stressful to say the least, but I have been at peace and have sought out the Joy in life that oftentimes we overlook or deny ourselves.

Do you know I truly believe most of us walk around denying ourselves the Glory that GOD has promised us. Have you ever thought that you might be doing more harm to your spirit than Satan? I know I have. Sometimes I am ashamed at how much time I entertain the evil one. I mean my thoughts can go from "smurf happy" to the "fires of hell" in one second.

So that's why today I wanted to remind everyone of my favorite verse of the bible (2018). Psalms 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God". It really doesn't get any clearer than this message right here. This message was everywhere during my cancer treatments. Friends and strangers alike were giving things to me that had this verse on it. And that my friends is "a word from God". So if God wants me (us) to be still, relax, have peace, cast our worries away, be fearless....because he's got this, then why aren't we.

There are so many verses in the bible that state that as a believer with faith, we are not supposed to waste time on fear, doubt and worry. Because when we do that we aren't just robbing ourselves of the peace promised by God, we are walking one foot in faith and one foot in the world. I don't think I need to remind anyone that walking like that is trying to serve two masters and that is something no soul can do.

I am not saying I won't have days filled with tears, but I am saying that I have freely given my cares away to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ...and his will be done!  I am here for the ride. I am here to spread his word. I am here to seek him, praise him and worship him.

Peace and Calm to everyone out there! I pray you feel compelled to spread the love and joy!


For my fellow cancer fighters:  I thought you might like these links!

From the American Cancer Society:


Clearly - I am not alone in embracing my faith through this challenge.