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A Time of Change

This week I have been really struck by the magnificence and glory of God's artistry "nature". This is the time of year when the weather is crisp, the trees are singing with color and the aromas of Autumn leap from everywhere (hello Pumpkin Spice).

Autumn is a time for change, but also of renewal. I know most people only see a reminder of God's promises in the Spring, when everything comes back to life, but the Autumn is also a gentle reminder of his promises.

Through our salvation, we are promised an everlasting life. I think most of us walk around with an image of a blank check that we can cash in at a time of great distress, screaming to the sky "but you promised an everlasting life." When the fears of Cancer creep into my conscience I sometimes get a bit selfish and mumble something similar to God. Yet he always reminds me that his promise stands, like the Seasons.

We all know that Winter is death, Spring is renewal and Summer is slender/beauty/bounty...and Autumn is the biggest and scariest season of them all. Autumn begins with the last of the harvest, which of course is made available from the planting (Spring) and working (Summer) of the fields (or whatever you are planting). Autumn at the end also brings a very sudden cold reminder that death is here. But when you look at the last leaf dangling from the tree, remember this, it is just a season, and you have to let go of "it" so that God can work his wonders in the Winter (death). It is through this very cycle of change that the promise "springs" to life.

We can't have the planting, working and harvest, the PROMISE until we let things die. It is hard letting go of that final string that holds you back, but God promises us that he will always be there and we will be redeemed, made new and made whole in everlasting life with him in Heaven, if we will only let go, believe and follow him.

For me this change, this letting go, has been difficult. I have a scan coming up next week, and I was genuinely scared, nervous and anxious. But this week, the Lord reminded me to let go and have faith in him. He reached out to me via scripture from my friend and a song from my sister. The scripture was regarding Faith being what we Hope for and what we do not See (beautiful message) and the song was Lauren Daigle's Rescue. These independent messages are a gift to me that no matter what, my Lord has me...I may not like the season, but he has a plan and I trust in him.

I am wishing every single one of you a very Happy and Thankful Thanksgiving. I will enjoy mine.

For all of you that may be struggling with sadness, despair and depression over the holidays, please know that there are people you can reach out to.