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I used to have defensive feelings when I would hear Preachers preaching on the subject of “the narrow path” (Mark 8:34/Matthew 7:13-14). I definitely was someone that thought the tactics were fear mongering and an attempt to scare someone into salvation. And that is where I left that whole idea for many decades. I like many followed the following as my defense for this message:

1. Jesus loves the little children. The idea that Jesus loves us so much that nothing bad will happen to me.

2. I have time to get my soul right.  I mean come on at the age of 16/20/30 – you see an abundance of time on the horizon, and you put off the “unpretty” of change until the end, after all as number one says, Jesus loves me and I’ll be just fine.

3. God loved the world.  So, if my Lord loves the world, then I should too! Therefore, living in and of the world is harmless.

I could go on and on as to the defenses I used to put off really living for God. I just honestly thought that Heaven would be widely populated with us all.  I still hold a view that there is One God, and that God may be called different things around the world, but for me that name is Jesus. I hold out hope for others, I truly do.  Up until 2019, I believed that most or many would make it to heaven. I often would ask out loud, how can anyone not make it to heaven. Then I really started diving into the word of God.  

Today I read an article that said only 6% of Americans hold to a biblical worldview. Only 6% live their life as if the bible is the way to live their life.

 This news of how few Americans hold to a biblical way of life really sheds light on the thoughts and questions of “how is it only a few that will be in Heaven”.  Honestly, I cannot believe how few there are in the country and world that still believe and hold on to the teachings of Jesus.  Not sure how anyone can read Matthew 6:24 “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other, or he will hold to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Man.” It is clear. I mean crystal clear that we are not supposed to serve this world. We are not supposed to have a world view. We are supposed to have a Jesus view, live as holy as we can.

 Like I said it was in 2019 when I had a dream/vision.  I know many do not believe that having dreams and/or visions from God exists. Many feel that they are made-up or not divinely inspired. Not sure why or how any Christian can believe that Jesus has stopped talking to us. He talks to us daily through dreams, songs, words, images. He still wants to talk to us. I know enough of the Lord to know the difference between a dream that is not inspired by the Lord and one that is.  If my dream comes to me from a voice that isn’t mine, through thoughts that are not mine, then it comes from something else. And if the dream is not contradictory to the words and teachings of Christ, then I believe them to come from the Lord.

In that dream, I was on a road/path with a lot of people.  In that moment we are running away from something (presumed to be something bad). The path ended abruptly and at the end was two ways to go. One was wide, well-lit, and looked inviting and as if nothing could possibly harm you if you chose that path to help you avoid the thing you were running from.  The other path was like a tunnel and was narrow and very dark. Everyone started running down the wide well-lit path, including many of my loved ones that were running with me. I stopped and looked at the two paths before deciding. I chose to go down the dark tunnel. Once in the tunnel, I realized I was alone. No one from my group was with me. No one! Everyone from the other side was screaming for me to turn around and come their way. But then something happened.

As I was going a little way into the tunnel it started to get lighter and brighter, definitely less scary. It was becoming inviting and warm.  The opposite was true about my loved ones on the other side. It started to get darker and scary. As I walked into a light of embrace and love, the were engulfed by the fire that had served as the “light” on their side.  Once I was through the bright of the tunnel, I was in the embrace of Jesus. I was surrounded by a few of my family members that had gone before me. I definitely remember seeing my Grandfather Alfred Collie. He hugged me. It was wonderful, except, I could hear the faint screams of horror from the other side. I remember looking at Jesus, and I want everyone to know one thing, in none of these dreams has JESUS EVER SPOKEN TO ME – he has never had to. His eyes always say everything. He looked sad at the screams and he just pulled me tight into an embrace and pulled me away from that opening. I was safe.

I know many will say this was just my brain retelling the scriptures of the road less traveled. But to me this was more. You see because we always think the road to heaven looks saintly, safe, and secure. In my dream it did not. It looked scary and hard. But is not that faith. Faith is belief in the unseen, knowing and trusting that something GREAT is on the other side. Our walk with God is not meant to be easy or without troubles. It will be hard. It will look bleak. It will be scary at times. But always remember this, in the end WE WN!!! Please do not be tempted by what appears to be bright and easy. Your faith will never be untested. Your faith will never be easy. Your faith will require work. Your faith will take you down the unknown paths. Be vigilant. And hold on to the truths that are God’s words, the bible. Do not question its accuracy, its authority, the writers, the divinity, or inspiration of the authors. Accept that the words provided, no matter who wrote them are divinely inspired and that each word is a lesson, a truth, and a light unto our path. Why on earth do you think Jesus is referred to as THE TRUTH, THE WAY, THE LIFE. He is defined as the LIGHT OF THE WORLD. Why would we need directions and a light on our path, if it were already lit and wide?  I do not want to walk that path alone. I want each one that I love to be with me.  

Here I am not preaching. Not screaming. Not trying to intimidate anyone. What I want is for each of you to ask yourself one question. “Am I living by the word of God or by the word of the World”.  Your answer to that question should be all you need to make decisions as to what you need to do to walk the narrow path with me. I too fall short of that path every day, but each day I repent for my sins and I beg mercy and forgiveness from Jesus. I just have the benefit of knowing through the word and my own feeling of salvation, of knowing I am forgiven.

 It has been some time since my last dream or word from God. I drew near the other day and was attempting to quiet my mind, trying to meditate.  My voice in my head was all over the place and would not be quiet, so I know my voice.  And in the middle of that voice, I heard “Reach”.  That is it, not a lot of words, just Reach.  I knew it was from God because it was a voice outside of my voice. It was a word spoken over all the other stuff in my head. I do not know if I know the whole meaning of the word “Reach”, or what direction I am supposed to go with it. I just know that it is a call. So here I am writing again.

I will never know here on this earth, why I have the ability to read and understand the scriptures. I know many of my friends find it hard to read and understand the words in the bible, or they get intimidated by the generational names (al the begats). Maybe this is my gift. If it is, then I need to share it with you all. Like I said, for all I know each dream could just be my own mind interpreting what I have read, but I do know I have experienced dreams and words that I know were not from my own understanding.

In the bible, we are taught that dreams are important, in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. In Genesis 28:10-19 Jacob has a dream where he sees a ladder that is to and from Earth and Heaven. He sees angels ascending and descending to and from Heaven. He then saw God and God said “I am the Lord, the God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac, the land you are lying on I will give you…” He is then blessed.

 Lastly, I want to tell you friends, that God wanted this message written. He has been at me in one form or another to make sure it is posted. So, I am going to be obedient to the Lord. I fear nothing man can ever throw at me; I only fear not being obedient to God.  The Devil has tried many tactics to prevent this from being posted. Somethings even looked like they were from God (and maybe they were). That said, I can never let fear be my determining factor for these posts. It must be from and about love.  My faith is the sum of who I am. It is my beginning, my middle and my end. It is my rock, my ship and my light. It guides me, protects me and lifts me. There is no me without God.

 God bless each and every one of you. My prayer is that he finds you right where you are, in whatever season you are in and that you feel his love and grace.

 Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

 Mark 8:34 “then, calling the crowd to join his disciples, he (Jesus) said, “if any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your crosses and follow me.”

 Matthew 7:13-14 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

John 15:21 “But all these things they will do to you on account of my name, because they do not know him who sent me.”


Article on the Decline of Christianity in America: