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Run Wild Run Free - Happy 2nd Year




It is my special time of year. Yes, August is the month in which I was born, but this month has always been special to my heart for many reasons. Now this month has so much more meaning, that it is almost a magical month to me.

So many of the people that I love and have cherished memories with were born in this month. My Aunt Aleta, my Cousin Jeremy, my Niece Alex, my Brother-in-law Scott, my Grandmother Evelyn, my Friend Amiee and my Best-Friend Heather. This month was always one big celebration, my mother would always make a big Strawberry cake for my birthday and we would always have her spaghetti with meat and mushroom sauce. Maybe it is because this month also represented the end of summer and the start of a new school year, that this month also was always a big renewal for me.

This month now also represents my “diagnosis” month. I was diagnosed in August 2018 with cancer. I have fought this monster for two years. I no longer see this as my 46th trip around the sun, but as my 2nd year of the biggest gift of all…Life. God is so much more present in my life these past two years than in the 44 years that preceded it. I find myself at a huge intersection right now. My magical month is now my wake-up call.

I am a survivor! I am a survivor! I am a fighter! I am a fighter! – and there is so much more to me than the pages that have been written so far. I got to thinking this morning, what am I practicing? I have this knowledge of God. I speak words of Jesus. I feel him in my heart, but what part of faith am I actively practicing. NOTHING. I am not actively practicing my faith. I am reading, praying, and speaking my faith, but I have not felt like I have been active with my faith. Who have brought to God? Who have I helped? Who have I influenced? I cannot for the life of me think of one person.

This Covid19 season and season of protest and unrest has made me feel very alone and isolated. After all we are supposed to be social distancing, but I cannot sit still anymore. I cannot let my faith be dormant any longer.  I honestly cannot say I have a clue as to what God wants from me, but I know he has called me to move. He has not rescued me from the grips of cancer just to have me sit in a chair and waist this gift.  I have some amazing friends that have very special gifts from God. Some of them have gifts of prophecy and some of them see things getting so bad in the coming days. I could choose to stockpile, hide out and prepare for the absolute worse to come. But I want to choose hope. I want to choose promises. I want to choose faith. I do not know what God’s plan is in all of this, I just know that today he told me to move. He nudged me to be active in my knowledge. To do things with my what I have learned.

I need to connect with people. We need to be together. We need to encourage one another. We need to love one another and that cannot be done by being separated and alone. The longer we go without being active in one another’s lives the more we start to lose the feelings that matter most: compassion, empathy, love, care, and most of all JOY!

Help me celebrate this magic month – help me by becoming active in anything that your heart calls or leads you to do. Help others. Stay active in each other’s lives. Care more about your neighbor’s well-being than what is on TV. Get up, get out and move.

Today I am without the pains and debilitation of cancer. Tomorrow is what tomorrow is meant to be. I will stop worrying and pondering about tomorrow. I will focus on today and today – we need to move. We need to be active in our faith.

I am praying for you all. I love you all!


God bless,



Here are some links that I help kick off the cobwebs!

The Book of James

Search:  Local Faith based missions - find one you like!

1 comment:

  1. I really needed to hear this I'm coming over. Tell me when I can stop by!


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