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Today I had to get bloodwork for my cancer/remission screening. This happens every six weeks. Sometimes these six weeks feel very close and sometimes they feel like a lifetime. These past six weeks have felt like an eternity. I know that is because of the downward spiral my brain has been on. So, as it felt like a long time since I had been at the Cancer Treatment Center, when I pulled up the impact of the building and full parking lot took my breath away.

That feeling, that knowledge of so many other cancer fighters, there’s nothing like it. Moments like that knock you back to reality and for me back to compassion. It breaks my heart to see so many people suffering this debilitating disease. The faces are do diverse. I mean for a nation that cannot agree on anything, there are things like cancer that unite us all.  

All this to say…God is so great in these moments. He always knows my heart. He always knows what I need to get back into his full mercy and grace. It is beautiful to feel something other than my own despair. It is wonderful to feel compassion, hope, love, and unity for and with others.

That is why I call this “Blessings from Cancer” because honestly this disease has brought me more than it has taken. I know I have a hard time seeing it every day, but I know it in my heart. It has mellowed me, it has calmed me down, it’s slowed me down and that has allowed me to take it all in. The beauty of every little created thing under the sun is so beautiful to me.

Have a blessed day!

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