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 Memories - Thank you God for the Memories!

(Photo: My picture of a sunset in the Grand Canyon)

Have you ever just marveled at your senses? How you have these amazing gifts from God, the gift of sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing, and how these senses help us store information and create memories. If you ask me, I will tell you that I believe the ability to recall a moment in time “a memory” by using our senses is one of those things – that if you thought about it, you would have to admit that there is definitely a Creator to this universe, our bodies and our minds.

As most of you know, I have been battling Cancer for 3 years now. I am beyond blessed to have made it this far on this journey. I continue to have hope, that I will survive even longer. But should the Lord decide that my task here is complete and it is time to come home, well I’ll be okay with that too. I have such great memories of a life that was not all bad.

Although the Cancer has wreaked havoc on some of my senses (all of them actually), I still have memories and occasionally when I have a bleak day, my senses will come back, and the memories will just flood my mind. I often time find myself weeping (tears mostly of joy) at the memories. I wanted to share some with you if that is okay.


Smelling things is divine. There are some fragrances that transport me back to a time and a place. The smell of Vanilla (the spice) reminds me of the Vanilla plant in Richmond, VA. There were certain streets between VCU and the Diamond that smelled of Vanilla when they were producing the Vanilla Extract. Of course, that smell reminds me of College, Cruising the Strip (lol – good times), and growing from a teenager to a young-adult.

Magnolia blossoms must be one of the most heavenly smells. When I smell it, I am reminded of walking between classes at John Tyler Community College and second chances. It transports me to conversations between me and mama (held at her work John Randolph Hospital) and my days being pregnant with my daughter. My mother’s laundry is another smell that I love. I know the products she used, but even when I use them, my laundry never smells like hers. Those are sweet special memories.

There is this one smell thought that reminds me of a night that my memories are very blurred. The smell of fire. If you have ever experienced a burnt down building, than you will know this smell. It is not the same smell as say a fire roasting marshmallow, or a fireplace fire. It is a smell I cannot describe, but yet I know it. I was 4 years old and asleep in my bed. I remember being woken up by my mom and stepdad grabbing me and a blanket and running down the steps and out the door of our apartment. I remember my mom running me over to a neighbor’s home and banging on the door (a building not connected to the one we lived in). I remember that lady and my mom leaving me and her daughter in the house and telling us not to leave or open the door for anyone. They ran out. I remember me and the red-haired girl (I think her name was Amy) watching things unfold from her bedroom window. There below were a bunch of neighbors and my parents trying to get people out of the unit next to ours and the one next to that. I remember sirens and lots of people coming and going and the flames.  Days later you could smell that “fire” smell of burnt belongings and charred debris. That smell is haunting. Except…it isn’t. You see that was the first time in my life I can honestly say, God had me. This happened in 1978 and the apartment community was newly built. It had cut corners by installing “fire-walls” only in every third or fourth unit. Guess what we were one of those units. Our neighbors lost everything, and our unit was untouched. My parents did not know that as things were happening and they would talk about how there was no smoke alarm, that it was a smell that woke them up. It’s definitely a memory.


What can I say people I am a child of the 80s. My entire world is shaped by the sound of music and sounds. I remember my first concert, my first album that I played on my own little record player, the voices of my loved ones, characters from shows and movies. There are so many memories tied to sound. The cancer has taken away hearing in my left ear and left in it’s place a constant humming. Sometimes that noise clears a bit and I bask in the glory that is solid two-eared hearing. My absolute favorite memory involving sound, was this cute one with my daughter. She was about 2 or 3 years old, and she was secure in her car seat, and we were driving. I remember this song came on the radio, Dixie Chicks “Goodbye Earl” and I could hear her in the backseat singing along to the song. I remember looking in the rearview mirror and seeing her belting out the song…and then she saw me!  LOL – she glared at me and stopped singing. She was so mad that I had disturbed her little concert for one.

One of the saddest memories I have is also tied to sound. I remember the sound my father made as he was passing away, how his breathing slowed and stopped. It was hard to let him go, and it was even harder seeing him struggle to breathe. That rattle sound dying people make (death rattle) is a hard thing to experience. I can honestly say that he did not want to die and fought for that last breathe. But, even in that moment of grief and struggle, God was there. My father and I did not have a close relationship and there were so many things we did not get to say to one another. On that deathbed, I did not know if he wanted me there, or if he had ever loved me. Those were words that he had never spoken to me. He had written them in birthday cards, and hugged me occasionally, but he never said how he felt about me. In my mind on his deathbed, all I knew was that I had disappointed him in so many ways. I just knew I would never have peace about that relationship…and then he had this last moment of semi-clarity. He woke up, struggled with his catheter, and looked at me. He hugged me. I hugged him. I told him I was there, and it was okay to let go and to not struggle anymore. I told him I loved him. He leaned into me and said, “You aren’t bad” and then something about his brother, Joe. Now, that may not sound like “I Love You” – but before he woke up, I was holding his hand confessing all my “badness” as a daughter. To me, it meant he heard me, and that was him saying “I love you”. It was perfect closure. After he died, I found all these keepsakes in his nightstand, including a program from the day I graduated high school. He could only have had that if he attended. I never knew he was there. It still breaks my heart a bit to know that we could have been so much closer, if only we had tried more.



You know that question that you have heard time and time again, “would you rather lose your sight or lose your hearing”. Hands down I want to keep my sight. There’s so much beauty on this earth. The waters, mountains, architecture, animals, etc. So much to see. God gave us so much beauty. I am not sure I can say for sure what my favorite thing is to see. There is too much to choose from.

Up until I was a senior in high school, my family sold Christmas Trees at my stepdad’s place of business every December. It was a family endeavor. My stepdad and Pawpaw would be outside selling trees, loading, and securing trees to vehicles. They would come inside and hand the tag over to my Mamaw. She would take the tag and money and give them back a receipt and a calendar. My stepdad had calendars printed every year and he handed them out at Christmas. Well, those that know – know that he had 2 types printed. One that was family oriented (nature or animals) and one girly one. It was the cutest thing – because my Mamaw would hand out the girly one to certain men and blush…oh my goodness she would blush. She would also purse her lips in a “you know better” kind of way. But she found it funny. She really did. Oh, those days. They were filled with family, laughter, and my favorite part -eating pizza in front of a kerosene heater and watching Christmas specials on a black and white tv set. I will never forget those times.

There is this one moment though, that I know God created just for me. It was on one of our last days of vacation. We had traveled, me, my ex-husband and daughter, to Arizona. We squeezed in a quick trip to the Grand Canyon. I wanted a picture of the sun setting in the canyon. I got out of the car in an area marked with “caution of mountain-lion” signs. I did not care about my safety – I wanted that picture. I went out to the clearing, and it was BEAUTIFUL. The canyon becomes this glistening ball of pinks and blue-oranges. It is amazing. I only had a few seconds there, but that image, that awesome creation was just for me. God gave me a peaceful moment with him and his majestic creation. I will never forget that moment and that vision.



Are you a friend of mine? If so, then you know I eat and love food. I definitely love tasting good foods like pasta, pickles, strawberry (anything), cheese. I have my favorites. I think my favorite taste is chocolate and peanut butter (hello Reese’s). I remember I went to Hershey Park and in their Reese’s Shop, they had a Reese’s Pie (I mean the size of a Pizza Pie). I almost lost the people I was with right there. I could not move. It was the most heavenly thing I had ever seen (so my mouth said). They sell the Reese’s “Pound” Cup now. Close but not quite a whole pie.

There are things I use to not like to taste: coffee, broccoli, beans – and now they are some of my favorite foods and drinks. So, our taste buds definitely grow and change throughout the years. I cannot say I have any bad memories with taste. But I do know one that was created by God.  My grandmother’s (Evelyn) coconut cream pie. That was one of the best things I have ever tasted. And she knew we loved it. Every time we would go visit, there would be two fresh pies on the counter, one to eat there and one to take. I have looked at that recipe – that was a lot of work. She made those pies out of pure love. She also kept a jar of pickles in the fridge – just for me. To this date, I still make her version of Butter Beans and Corn for Thanksgiving. I have taught it to my daughter, and she will pass that down further. But that pie…I will not make. I think I might cry if I made it. It was her – she was “coconut cream pie” – and it was (she was) heavenly.



An embrace, a kiss, a handshake, a fist-bump – what cannot be said about human connection. Touching satin, lace, tulle, silk for the first time is quite an experience. The feel of flannel pajamas under a thick fleece blanket in the winter – nothing compares. So much of our life is spent in touch. We touch our phones, keyboards, cars, keys, remotes, paper, books, etc. We are constantly feeling things. There are horrible touches (my daughter would say a snake is her nightmare feel/touch), for me it is death. I have always been creeped out by touching dead things. I had the misfortune of being teased by neighborhood boys and a dead mouse as a child – and never shook the image and feel of a cold, bloated, lifeless body. When I think of how much loss my 22-year-old daughter has experienced, I have to say Thank You to God for the fact that I didn’t experience too much death at a young age. There was an odd neighbor, a friend from school and a few animals, but that was it. I lost two of my three grandfathers in the 90’s, but I was an adult. By the time my daughter was 14, she had lost half of her grandparents, and almost all my mother’s side of the family. That said, death did start visiting me in mass numbers by the time I was 30. My mother’s family died at an accelerated rate, one after the other. I remember at my grandmother’s funeral, I realized that they were dying backwards (my mom’s siblings) and that if that were true, she was next. Sure enough she was. Up until my mother’s death, I had given quick touches at bodies in caskets. Come on people are watching and you must – because everyone else is. You go up touch a hand and say a quick goodbye. But it was my mom.

I arrived early for the wake. I wanted to be alone with her. I did not want to fall apart in front of all the people that would be coming. I was not on friendly terms with her spouse, or his family (not by my doing) and I just wanted to be alone with her – just her and me. I’ll be honest with you – it was the only time in my life where my prayer was something crazy “Lord just let her wake up, Lord let me just talk to her one last time” – they were sad, and I was lost. I walked into the room, looked, and read every card and flower that had arrived. I slowly made my way to her. In that moment, God helped me overcome my fear of dead things. I did not see her as a dead body. I saw her as my mom. I leaned in hugged her, kissed her cheek, and told her everything that was in my heart. She was beautiful, even in death. I hid a picture of her holding me in her casket and placed the red rose my father had sent and the yellow rose my stepfather had sent into her casket. Then God entered the room, calmed me down, hugged me and gave me the strength to burry her. I do not think I knew how strong I was until she died.

It was strength I would need again only six months later when I buried my dad and again 4 years later when I was diagnosed with Cancer. I carry them with me everywhere I go. I carry their love, their dreams and hopes for me – everywhere I go.

These memories are pure joy. There are so many good ones, like: beating up boys (thank you Jeremy and Brian), playing in the yard with Kim (BARBIES!!!), watching my oldest sister get married (it meant we were growing up), singing Jimmy Buffet with Heather, giving birth do my daughter (and all that Brittany has given to me), learning to love photography with Beverly, learning that homemade food is better than pre-packaged (thank you Jenny), learning that it’s okay to be alone (Amiee – that was a tough one), seeing my boss’ face before surgery (reassuring – weird I know), to meeting my long lost sister – Christina (thank you Dad), to feeling God’s enormous presence in my life (THANK YOU CANCER).

Memories are such an amazing gift from God. Before it is too late – share one with someone you love. It’s never too late to create a lasting picture of a moment of love with someone.



Luke 2:19 “but Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart.”

Psalm 143:5-16 “I remember to think about the many things you did in years gone by. Then I lift my hands in prayer, because my soul is a desert, thirsty for water from you.”

Philippians 1:3-6 “I thank God for you whenever I think of you. I always have joy as I pray for all of you.”

Proverbs 10:7 “The memory of the righteous is a blessing…”

Psalm 112:6 “Surely he will never be shaken. The righteous man will be remembered forever.”

John 14:26 “But the helper, the Holy Spriit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.”




1 comment:

  1. Amazing and insightful. Stay positive my friend. You are a blessing and perfection created by God.


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