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My Evidence of God


My Evidence of God

We live in a time where it seems more absurd to believe in God than not to believe. I was recently posed with the question, “How can you believe in something you cannot see?” Well, I can see God. I can see him in countless ways and some of them are material and some of them are more feeling. At the end of your life, with your last conscious breath are you more likely to hope for the next life or accepting that this is it? Ponder that while I share my God, or my evidence of my God.

I do not believe in chance, happenstance, or coincidence. I believe that all things happen as seen by God. I did not say all things are planned by God or willed by God, but all things are known to God. God is never surprised by our happenings. God will use it all for his good and will take our darkest moments and turn them into light. I once met a young woman who was the “blessing” her grandmother had prayed for. Her grandmother had prayed daily, nightly for her granddaughter to break her drug addiction and to turn her heart and life to God. Her grandmother died before seeing her granddaughter break her drug addiction, turn her life to the Lord, and become an “Elder” of her church. These were answered prayers – just they happened on God’s time not her grandmother’s time. God will use any situation to reach your soul and to change your life.

If you are a reader of mine, then you know my struggles with cancer, my broken relationships with my parents, my struggles with depression and body image and my tendency to seek isolation over companionship. God knows all these things about me. He knows my struggles and I trust him to deliver me from these – either here on earth or in heaven. Right now, I am preparing for a scan tomorrow to look at a growth in my body that has been prone for cancer. If the doctor is correct, this will be my 2nd recurrence – my third time around battling cancer. I should be a lot less calm than I am, but I had my freak out moment last week, and it lasted about a day and then I just let it all go. This “possible” cancer is not a surprise of my God and I have faith that my God will use it for his glory and that I will be healed of it – either here on earth or in heaven and I accept that. Having that faith, that acceptance, that inner calm and peace – HAS NOT COME FROM ME. Trust me, if I were in control – I would still be in freak out mode. This assurance that God’s got this – well it has set me free.

So how do I prove to others that God exists? Well, there are countless documentaries (from either side of this debate) that explain creation and/or evolution. There are debates about the authorship, events, and history of the bible, and every now and then someone finds an artifact that dates to someone mentioned in the bible. There is not a historian alive that does not believe that Jesus (the man) walked on this earth. The only debate is his divinity. Archaeologically speaking there are artifacts that have been found that mention or are from the time of Solomon (and reference David). Scientist have managed tor trace DNA to one man and one woman. There’s evidence of a giant flood, evidence of civilization originating from a single point. There’s evidence of existence happening from a big bang – but no one can scientifically explain that point of existence. Clearly you can look at all of this from the side of creation or the side of evolution – just know that scientifically, God has not been determined to be non-existence – meaning science cannot prove that God does not exist.

I know God exists because I have been lucky enough to have not one, but four God moments, moments where there is no other logical explanation. But even without those moments, I have the following that help me to believe and know that God is God:

1. Forgiveness: Sounds crazy – but forgiving someone is not easy, letting go of hurt and anger, rebuilding on trust and love is hard. I do not believe that humans are capable of forgiving without the foundation of God and the belief that we are forgiven and must forgive others. Anyone alive during 9/11 remembers the story (unverified) that President George W. Bush used 9/11 as an excuse to attack Iraq and to kill Saddam Hussein – to seek vengeance for Saddam Hussein’s planned (failed) assassination of his father, President George H. W. Bush. Again, this is not a verified story – but it does show how easy it is for us to believe it is true. We humans have a great capacity to hold on to hate and anger and deny forgiveness. Forgiveness is very freeing and honestly has less to do with the person you are forgiving and more to do with you.

2. Love: Yes, we humans are very capable of love. The closest we come to experiencing and expressing love like God is the love of a parent. Even when we love our children, we still are not even close to the definition of love that is expressed in the bible. God’s love for us is selfless, it is without reason, it is never ending, it is complete and does not require us to love back, it is beyond unconditional. God will love us even if we reject him. God loves the souls that perish in Hell. I know many people (that are parents – or are children) that have strained relationships with their parents, because their parent’s unconditional love really meant – they would love the child if the child lived up to all their expectations – and if the child failed more than once to measure up, the parent showed hurt and a feeling of being disappointed – and that of course strained the relationship. You cannot disappoint God – he already knows what you will and will not do. He wrote the story and knows the ending – and loves us anyway. I remember laying in a hospital bed filled with gloom and doom, feeling unable and unworthy to receive any love – and then Jesus showed up in the room and changed my life. He loved me at my weakest and lowest moment. His love made way for redemption. I can remember being 16 and having a moment that was low – very low. I remember coming home (later than I was supposed to) and feeling so broken. Anyone that knew my mom – knows she was in bed by 10pm and was a sound sleeper. She was not prone to wake up in the middle of the night and if she did – she did not “chat”. On this night, something woke her up and she came to my room, and she held me. I cried and she held me. That was God. That was his love for me. He knew my need and made a way.

3. Nature and Animals: If you don’t know the story of the Arc and Noah – well I can say this “read your bible – even if you only read it for the stories”. Something that is often missed or glossed over during the telling of the story is God’s proclamation that all his creation (other than humans) is innocent and worthy to be saved. God flooded the earth (he didn’t burn it down and destroy it completely). He made way for all the flowers, grass, trees, and landscape to come back. He picked the least offensive humans to build a vessel to carry his sacred and innocent animals. He made sure that the animals were in pairs of two so that they could reproduce and repopulate the earth. Look at the description of the Garden of Eden – a beautiful heaven on earth with fruit, vegetation, trees, flowers, and the innocent animals. He slaughters the innocent lamb to cover the sinful humans. Every time you look at an animal and have that “awe moment” – that’s God. When you see a garden that brings you to tears, or when you relish on the beauty that is nature – that’s God. Seriously, you need to look at the perfect beauty that is a flower, a baby deer, a lazy stream, a perfectly formed rock, the simple, yet eloquent beauty of wildflowers and tall grass. God painted us a masterpiece and then created us to keep it up.

4.  Being moved/Emotion: I am going to sum this up with just this…My stepfather was one of the hardest persons to like. He was hard-working, prejudicial, hard-headed, stubborn, and sometimes cold. That said, he could be moved to feel things like love and compassion. I could not move him. My mom could not move him. A presenter on television (prior to him turning 70) could not move him. Earthly things could not get him to budge…but God, well God can move mountains (even man-made ones). My stepfather once took in a homeless man, gave him space (at his place of business), gave him food, and gave him work (so he could earn money) – and he even cried when the old homeless man died. He did this with an abandoned dog he found (he named him after the homeless man). He did this with those suffering (after 70 – those tv commercials of dying children made him soft). Again, this is God. When you, as a human, in your usual day-to-day life don’t feel love and compassion and all of a sudden you feel moved to act, be compassionate, to help – that is GOD.

There are things that exist (scientifically) that you cannot see with your eyes – yet we know they are there: Air (and other gasses) cannot be seen (vapors yes – but that is a mixture of more than gas). Love (and all other feelings). Sooner than later – MONEY. I get paid by direct deposit – that sum of money goes to my bank and then is spent via direct payments. I do not touch it. It is getting to the point that there will not be physical money. Just saying we would all panic if our direct deposits did not show up on pay-day – and yet it is something we don’t physically hold/touch.

No, I cannot provide you with tangible evidence of God’s existence. He is not your scissors on your desk. He is not the coffee cup you are holding. He is so much more. His existence is so grand that it cannot be measured or seen with our eyes. My faith tells me that having faith in God, through my salvation provided by Jesus, means that I believe in the things unseen, that I must have faith when there is no evidence to support it. It’s blind. It’s trust. That said, I have never felt more love than I do right now, and that love comes from God. My bliss, my calm – all comes from God.

This week alone, God has sent me some very important words to help me through. I have heard of other’s suffering with cancer and have provided some comforting words to them. That felt very purposeful and encouraging. I have received prayers from grown men, who know me (only through work) and have stopped and prayed with me or sent a prayer to me. I gave comfort to an older woman that was setting up documents to sell off all she had (so she could just live out and die) – she was feeling a bit of self-pity – and I played the cancer card (I do not usually play it) – showing her that we don’t give up on life. Life is precious – it is meant to be lived until God says stop. We put one foot in front of the other and we move. We stay connected to loved ones. We keep laughing. We keep crying. God created us to experience life, love and to hopefully seek him, believe in him, and to praise and worship him. I will always be grateful to the cancer – the cancer brought me face to face with God. I have felt his love, his grace, his mercy. That is something!

God bless you and may each of you have an amazing week.


  1. I see you! From Avatar movie, it's one of my favorite lines because it means I see you for who you are, not your physical being. Keep focused my friend. I love your blog and am lifted by your spirit. I'm always with you ..... it another favorite of mine. Keep the faith friend! I love you!

  2. Very well written and a good presentation of God's existence. I do believe and I wish you luck and love with your test. Keep me posted.

  3. Well written and a very good presentation on God's existence. Wishing you luck and love with you test. Keep me posted!


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