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 How to Repay God’s Grace and Mercy 

Ever eaten something that was mind-blowingly amazing, or witnessed a summer sunset that encompassed all the colors of the rainbow, or held a newborn child and immediately felt all the excitement and hope that is “newness”? I’d like to think that these experiences are moments that we are intimately connected to our creator. It’s in these moments that we experience awe at the masterful creation of God.

Seriously, slow down your mind and remember the first time you tried a strawberry (or other fruit) and you tasted the simple, god created, sweetness. Think of it this way, God created everything you eat (minus the GMO foods) and he did so with the main purpose of sustaining our existence, providing us with nourishment. Look at the foods you feed your pets, they most likely aren’t flavorful, but they are sustaining. So, for there to be a food that is sustaining that is also packed with flavor, is nothing but miraculous. It’s God’s “happy” gift to us. He gave us flavor.

When you think of everything that God has given us, freely given us, you probably question, “How do I repay him for these gifts?” I know I ask that all the time in my prayers. I often find myself feeling unworthy or just overwhelmed at the gracious heart of God. Do you know he asks very little from us, as a form of “repayment”? He only asks for our heart, mind, and soul to be rested on him, to be reflective of his words and his love. You can tell by the beauty that is creation that he always only wanted the absolute best for us.

I recently overheard someone liken cancer to things that are demonic. As a cancer survivor (again read my blogs – my survival is “remission” and I live in the shadows of a disease that can strike at any time) – but I don’t sweat it because of God. When this person said that I instantly got sad and let doubt enter my head. Thank the Lord Jesus for instantly coming back to me and saying – nope! Disease isn’t demonic – it isn’t a creation of Satan. He is not a creator. He is a Spin-Doctor – he spins truth around so that we are confused, mislead and heartbroken – but he cannot CREATE. That power rests solely with God. Disease (all kinds) are the result of our exodus from Eden. When we fell, we inherited a broken world. Yes, Satan is the “puppet master” of the fallen world, but the disease that we have is our “punishment” for being a sinful and fallen creation of God. God never wanted us to suffer (again think of that beautiful sunrise you saw), but we had evil and wicked hearts and turned away from God. As a result, we suffer the consequences.

That said, there are many among us that will suffer a disease, even though they themselves live a dutiful and faithful life. But the consequences of the fallen world fall onto all of us. The reason we fear and cry at the word “cancer” is because our modern-timed self has seen medicines and cures that have made some diseases less lethal (heart issues, high blood pressure, diabetes) – keep in mind that years back these diseases were just as lethal as cancer. We just haven’t found the remedy for it like we have for other diseases. But let that give you hope today. If you had a diagnosis of cancer in the 1930’s or 1940’s, you died a very horrible and painfilled death. Today we have medicines that prolong our life with less pain and give us a quality of life that we would not have had less than 100 years ago. Today, a child born with Type I diabetes will most likely live into adulthood, 100 years ago, they barely survived childhood. Medicine and those that discover them – well those people have a blessing by God and have shared that with the rest of us.

Look at all those ingredients that are in modern day medicines (think Penicillin), those ingredients are mostly found in the created world of God. God has given us everything we will ever need; all we have to do is seek it out and make use of it.

So back to that question “how do I repay God?” You can’t. We can never repay in equal portion to God what he has given to us. We never will. He gave us and sacrificed his son, so that we may have salvation and eternal life with him.  What we can do is, to tell the world about him! Now while you can! Even in your suffering show God’s mercy and grace to others. Don’t stop reflecting God’s love to others.

Usually, I start this series with discussing the song choice (halfway through with this series), but this week, I needed to speak from my heart. The words I overheard about a disease that has changed my entire life upset me, not because I was fearful that there was some sort of demonic creation inside of me, but because it simply isn’t true (for me). If I had not been diagnosed with Cancer and made to suffer through a grueling course of treatment, and been thrown into a bottomless pit, I may not have found Jesus and I may not have been redeemed and made new. Cancer was not a curse to me – it was my rescue story. I am so sorry that people suffer this disease, but I must continue to believe there are reasons for it (God given reasons) that we humans will never know, and I am okay with that.

This week’s song is a “hidden gem, or deep dive”, it was only out for a short time and by an artist that is only known for this song. I was a full-fledged teenager when this song came out and can tell you that at the age of 15, I took the meaning of this song to be about a crush. Today, I am letting it be my battle cry to all my fellow Christians. It is time to tell the whole wide world about Jesus.

Song “Whole Wide World”, sung by A’me Lorain, released in 1989, written by Elliot Wolff and Amie Roman.

I always want a little mystery, but now the tension’s killing me

No place left for words to hide

I never thought it could be quite so tough, lips once sealed are splitting up

There ain’t no secrets to outshine, Father Time

Whispers in the dark don’t do, let’s hit the lights

Now I just got to spread the news

So what are you telling me?

What are you telling me?

What are you telling me?

What are you telling me?

I wanna tell the whole wide world about you

I don’t have any fears, I am positive

I wanna tell the whole wide world about you

We’re never gonna be alone, our love is stone

Don’t Stop!

Love me til you drop, it’s alright with me

One sharp arrow through my heart, it’s alright, it’s alright

Now listen!

To many words, too much a crowd, I wanna spill ‘em or they’ll leak out

I’m so glad to get the chance

I kept it secret till I knew for sure

So not to pick my heart off the floor

Now, it’s time to take a stand, heart in hand

Whispers in the dark don’t do, let’s hit the lights

Now I just got to spread the news

So what are you telling me?

What are you telling me?

What are you telling me?

What are you telling me?

I wanna tell the whole wide world about you

When I drop a tear you are always here

I wanna tell the whole wide world about you

I’m looking at a living dream, don’t wake me up

I’m gonna tell the whole wide world I will never give you up

I’m gonna tell the whole wide world you’re my one and only love

Whispers in the dark don’t do, let’s hit the lights

Now I just got to spread the news

So what are you telling me?

What are you telling me?

What are you telling me?

What are you telling me?

I wanna tell the whole wide world about you

I don’t have any fears, I am positive

I wanna tell the whole wide world about you

We’re never gonna be alone, our love is stone

What are you telling me now?

I wanna tell the whole wide world about you

I wanna tell everybody you’re my cup of tea

I wanna tell the whole wide world about you

Your love never shakes, you don’t alternate

I wanna tell the whole wide world about you

Smoke gets in my eyes, I don’t see other guys

I wanna tell the whole wide world about you

Our love will never tumble down, it’s built on solid ground

I wanna tell the whole wide world about you… 



Links for this week:

How to help someone going through cancer (and other diseases)


Verses to help you appreciate God’s creation

Two of my favorites:

1 Timothy 4:4 “For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude.”

Colossians 1:16 “For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities – all things have been created through Him and for Him.


Organizations to give to – that truly help those suffering with cancer (for the patient and research) (for the research) (for the research) (children’s cancer) (for the families)

*Please also know that each individual cancer has it’s own forum – and many of those charities and forums are excellent sources of inspiration, information and treatment options for that particular cancer)

For me:

I pray each of you has a blessed and joyful week!


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