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I am Beloved by my Beloved

 I am Beloved by my Beloved

Sometimes I find myself in total awe of everything that God has created and done for us. Just this morning my only praise/prayer was “Thank you GOD for EVERYTHING – because you made and created EVERYTHING and because of that I do not have to worry about ANYTHING.” Isn’t that great knowledge, that we have this creator that did it all so that we have it all and need nothing. We do not have to worry, we do not have to fear, we do not need to be weighed down by doubt – because he made everything and made it all perfect and whole.

I know, I know, you are suffering, you are lost, you are full of anxiety and fear, or someone close to you is sick and hurting, and you are saying “did he make this too” or “how is this fair”. If you’ve been reading my blogs than you know my answer is simply “we are the product of a fallen world – and you can’t blame GOD for what we as humans did to his creation.” Trust me when I say we are his BELOVED CHILDREN and HE intended only joy for us.

If you have read the bible than you recall that the world “BELOVED” is mentioned in many different books and verses. You can’t get through the Song of Solomon without reading it at least ten times. The English meaning of “Beloved” is: dearly loved, much loved. The biblical meaning of this word is a bit different, “prefer, long for, breathe, precious”. The word beloved is spoken in the bible by both the believer (Jewish/Christian) and by God (GOD/Jesus). We are his beloved and he is our beloved.

As you go through these turbulent times, I want you to say this in your head (over and over), “I am beloved by my beloved.” You are much loved by the God you long for. You are seen as precious by the God you most love. Someone that sees you as precious, never intends harm on you. Someone that sees you as a vital necessity (like breathing), never takes you for granted. Someone that prefers you (or calls you/separates you from the rest), never mistreats you. You are chosen. You are loved. You are his BELOVED.

If you are having a hard time accepting that God loves you, then close your eyes. Think of a dog or a cat (your preference). If you recall them as puppies, then you remember that they just eat, drink, poop, pee, nap and repeat. Their created bodies are designed to take in, void, rest, repair and repeat. It’s the wholeness of HIS creation. How every function is interlinked and dependent on another function for the whole entity to work – if one thing fails (too much water, too much food, not enough play time, too much sleep) then serious issues start to form. As the bible says (over and over) we are perfectly made in the image of GOD, because he LOVED and WANTED US – our systems were designed to work perfectly – he intended no harm – he saw us as his BELOVED children. Then we sinned and as a consequence, that now perfect creation is “susceptible to malfunction, sickness and brokenness.” But again – this is due to our failure – not GOD’s. And even in our sinful, broken existence, HE STILL LOVES US.

So, stop wallowing in the negative and remember “I am beloved by my beloved.” That’s my message for today. Short and sweet!

Go spread the Good News of Jesus – be a disciple – be a catalyst to something greater than yourself. Remember 1 Corinthians 13:13 “So now faith, hope and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” Go LOVE! – Song of Solomon 6:3 “I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine.”

There is a song for this week (2 more weeks with songs). I hit up a few friends for song selections and this one was on the list. I don’t know any girl that didn’t want to be Ione Skye during this movie. Who doesn’t swoon over John Cusack’s character holding up a boom box and playing this song to win the affections of the girl he most BELOVED. To be wanted like that – that was every girl’s dream. The reality is that we are indeed wanted like that by our BELOVED JESUS CHRIST.

Song: “In Your Eyes” by Peter Gabriel. He wrote the song for a relationship he was in but said that he saw it as also a song about man to his God. Song hit the charts in 1986.

 Love, I get so lost sometimes

Days pass, and this emptiness fills my heart

When I want to run away, I drive off in my car

But whichever way I go, I come back to the place you are

All my instincts, they return

The grand façade, so soon will burn

Without a noise, without my pride

I reach out from the inside

In your eyes, the light, the heat

In your eyes, I am complete

In your eyes, I see the doorway

In your eyes, to a Thousand Churches

In your eyes, the resolution

In your eyes, of all the fruitless searches

In your eyes

In your eyes, oh, I see the light and the heat

In your eyes, the light, the heat

In your eyes

Oh, I wanna be that complete

In your eyes, the light the heat

In your eyes

I wanna touch the light, the heat I see in your eyes

Love, I don’t like to see so much pain

So much wasted, and this moment keeps slipping away

I get so tired, working so hard for our survival

I look to the time with you to keep me awake and alive

All my instincts, they return

The grand façade, so soon will burn

Without a noise, without my pride

I reach out from the inside

In your eyes, your eyes, your eyes

In your eyes

In your eyes, the light, the heat

In your eyes, I am complete

In your eyes, I see the doorway

To a Thousand Churches

In your eyes, the resolution

In your eyes, of all the fruitless searches

In your eyes

Oh, I wanna be that complete

In your eyes

I wanna touch the light, the heat I see in your eyes

In your eyes


I bet you never hear this song again the same way. The lyrics are absolutely beautiful. I have to say, that this is not the only song by Peter Gabriel that has “Godly” meaning.  Check out: “Solsbury Hill” “Sledgehammer” – and many more. His lyrics are quite moving.


Have a great week!

With love




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