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A Season of Thanks

(Halloween 1983 - 4th Grade - that's me in the Witch Mask)

 A Season of Thanks

There is something so majestic about this time of year. Autumn is the season of being grateful and living off the fruits of your season of sowing (Spring) and your season of growing (Summer). I know that my Lord and Savior created each season with care and design, but deep down, I believe Autumn must be his favorite as well.

This time of year, memories are always flooding my mind and they warm my heart and usually give me insight and wisdom. Whether it is the memory of my mom making candied apples for Halloween, or the many years gathering with her family for Thanksgiving, or the setting up and working the Christmas Tree Lot with my stepdad and his parents (Papaw and Mamaw). This is the season of blessing and love.

I know that I wanted to do a deep dive into faith and secular movies, but then CANCER reared its head again and I have been going through radiation. Just like Chemo and Surgery, Radiation has taken a lot from me, but unlike Chemo and Surgery, I haven’t had the downtime, as Radiation is an everyday relentless treatment. My body and mind have been unable to rest on Jesus this go-round. Maybe it is just the exhaustion that has kept me away from my bible readings and my nightly devotionals, or maybe something in me just checked out. I know that this treatment season, I have rested solely on the prayers of those around me, and like my Autumns of yesteryears, I have once again acted like a child, a bit helpless and a bit dependent.

Nothing could be more fitting right now in the month of being thankful than to realize how many people I am blessed to have in my life. Whether it was the countless prayers from my church, the food and financial gifts of my bible study group, friends, family, and strangers, or the generosity of my employer in allowing me the time I needed to recover.

Even though I have not had the mental acuity, time, or energy to be in constant prayer, I know that Jesus has been by my side this entire time. Do you know how I know this? Calmness and no worries! I have not once agonized over whether this treatment will work, or what the outcome will be. I have not been in despair or held an anxious mindset. I have been at peace this entire time. You cannot walk-through cancer treatments with peace of mind, without GOD! I have been appreciative of all the kindness and every morning when I would drive across the James River Bridge at 6ish in the morning for treatments, God would always remind me that he and he alone is on the throne. The morning sky with the sun rising is so majestic that it brings tears of joy to my eyes each morning. Each sunrise was different and each one was just as majestic as the day before. It was always a little ray of hope to start my treatments with. Another reminder that even in my hurt and suffering, I am blessed, and God is with me.

I have so much to be thankful for right now – and to those to whom I owe gratitude– please know that your kindness and generosity got me through the hardest days. I have one more treatment to go to (next Thursday) and then some scans; no matter the outcome or what lies ahead, God knows it is well with my soul!

There are some passages, some words from the Apostle Paul, that have given me comfort in this season:

1.       1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

2.       2 Corinthians 9:15 “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!”

Have a blessed week!





How to be Thankful – when everything seems crazy:

How to give yourself a restful break -

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