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All Children are God's Children


All Children are God’s Children

In today’s culture, children seem to be the red flag on a long tug-of-war rope. Our political system has declared children as a tool to win or lose elections and our media and news outlets have removed the rights and voice of parents. I can no longer sit and keep quiet. I am not apologetic for what I am about to say, it needs to be said, boldly, loudly, and to whomever I have at my disposal to reach. I rebuke the current administration’s approach that says “All children are our (as in the US Government’s) children”. No, all children are God’s children, and as such we must inform, raise and educate them not only of that fact but of what it means to be a CHILD OF GOD.


In Matthew 9:14, Jesus says “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” His love and concern for the innocent children baffled his disciples and challenged Jewish tradition and understanding of the importance of children. Jesus showed that the protected innocence which is reflected in youth is to be our compass to heaven. Children are inquisitive, imaginative, expressive, innocent, thirsty for knowledge and reason and have the ability to see things as they should be – this is what we are to aim to be like.


Be vigilant in what goes into your child’s head. There are so many distractions the evil one has at his disposal to get into our children’s heads and hearts: social media, television, school, etc. Allowing after-school satan clubs to take place in public schools is insulting to me as a Christian. However, if evil wants to educate my children, then I must fight back by petitioning for an after-school bible club. We cannot defeat evil by being quiet – no more being still in the presence of disobedience and evil. Stand up to it! Fight back (the right way) – insist on equality. For every evil program, there should be a righteous program. Disconnect them from social media. Interact with them. Make talking about God fun and exciting. Go do nature things and experience the truth that is in all of God’s creation.


The Bible teaches that every child is formed and known by God, as written in Psalm 139:13-14: "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made." What an incredible reminder that God intimately forms each child and already knows them before they are born. We must stand firm in educating them that they are made in the image of God and that he made them as they are to be. We should not be allowing children (whom we as parents are called to mold, teach and bring to God) to mutilate and question God’s design. It is unholy and direct disobedience to God when we reject how he made us. He is our creator. He is our architect. Physically altering one's body to reject the created plan of God is equivalent to spitting in the face of God.  

As Christians, we are called to model Jesus' heart for children. Ephesians 6:4 says “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” We must guide kids with patience, compassion, and grace.

The Bible assures us that children have a special status in God's kingdom. May we nurture each child as the wondrous, worthy human being they are. When we look at every young person as one of God's beloved children, it changes how we see and treat them. Our kids need to know they are children of God.

In order to do this we must take a stand for children. We must do everything we can today – not tomorrow – to protect the innocence that was naturally created in our children.


Check the following fighters:  (she is fighting to protect children)

I would love to share more – but Google has limited search parameters allowing me to copy links or to find them all.



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